Horse & Farrier News

News tagged as railway

Railway Path Funding Approved

There's great news for the Horse and Farrier, as customers will again be able to walk, cycle or run from Keswick to Threlkeld as they used to do before the bridges were destroyed in storm Desmond. Many of our customers used to walk up from Keswick enjoy a nice lunch and either walk or take the bus back, since Storm Desmond that has been a difficult route except for the fittest. The Lake District Foundation has recently announced funding for full steam ahead for the reconnection of the Keswick to Threlkeld Railway Path.

The foundation said “A £7.9 million funding package has been agreed to allow work to start on the final phase of reconnecting the Keswick to Threlkeld multi user trail which was severely damaged in Storm Desmond three years ago to the day (5 December).

This is an important milestone in this complex project which has required significant work to get to this stage, and it is fitting that key funding partners and local users gathered to mark this development exactly three years since the fateful storm.
Funding has been approved so far from Highways England and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Additionally, community fundraising by the Lake District Foundation has resulted in a £130,000 donation all which will enable the project to go ahead.”

News Type: Local Area

News Tags: footpath, keswick, railway, lunch

Published Date: Wednesday 5th December, 2018 @ 9:44pm
